Why and how should you register your clinical practice with Curie..?

Many healthcare professionals are curious about how Curie could impact your practice. Why don’t you sign up with us and see for yourself? We have a free trial period and you’ll be able to witness the vast specs of Curie and some of the advantages you could have if you subscribe to it on the long run.

So how exactly do you register your practice with us? We believe in a user friendly software that can be easily understood and used by anyone from anywhere. Therefore, registering with us to begin your journey with Curie is also a very simple process.

1. Log on to https://curie.health and register your clinic details.

2. Download the Curie Connect app from your google playstore.

3. Once your clinic details are provided, Curie provides you with a code that is unique for your clinic.

4. Share this code with your patients and social circle and allow them to connect with you on the Curie app.

5. Begin teleconsultations on the app, allow patients to find you and book appointments and easily view a patient’s medical records.

The Curie software also helps you to:

• Manage your clinical operations and view your practice related records from anywhere, including the comforts of your home.

• Store all patient details and records on a secure cloud based platform.

• Schedule physical or tele consultations with your patients.

• Allow existing and new patients to book appointments with you on the app.

• Allows text conversations with your patients and audio/video appointments.

• Maintain communication with all your patients by scheduling pop-up notifications and alerts regarding upcoming appointments, health insights and advices, offers and promotions, etc.

• Maintain inventory of your supplies and contact distributors easily.

• Business analytics and inputs to improve your business.

• Digitalised consent forms and feedback.

• Improved visibility of your practice on online sources.

• Offline and online marketing services and strategies.

• Constant customer support for any doubts or queries.

Overall, Curie aims to help all healthcare professionals have better and smoother clinical operations and provide a platform for wider patient reach.

Contact us at https://curie/health or +91-8778826667 to start your Curie journey today!

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With almost every dentist around you offering only ‘Emergency dental services’, a lot of you might be wondering what exactly constitutes a ‘DENTAL EMERGENCY’? Here is a guide to help you decide when is the best time to fix an appointment.

  • Intense tooth pain- Mild to moderate tooth pain that is not present continuously is usually ignored by many. However, when this pain gets severe or lasts for a longer time, a dentist visit becomes inevitable. A root canal or extraction might be needed in this case.
  • Avulsed tooth: Any trauma or injury leading to chipping of the tooth and mild/no pain can be treated at a later stage. However, when the tooth is removed completely from its socket or if the tooth is fractured and associated with acute pain, a dentist appointment should be fixed immediately. Failure to replace an avulsed tooth in the socket will lead to its permanent loss.
dental appointment software
  • Infection of the gum/ tooth: Any acute infection of the gum or tooth is associated with pain, swelling, pus drainage, fever, etc. A dentist should be consulted immediately to avoid complications.
dental appointment software
  • Long-standing swelling of the face/neck with sudden difficulty in swallowing or breathing
  • Broken braces
  • Ill-fitting crowns– Crowns that might get dislodged easily pose a risk of entering your oral/nasal cavity. It is important to remove or replace these as an emergency.
  • Uncontrollable bleeding from the gums or oral cavity- this may pose a risk to life and a dentist should be seen immediately
  • Broken teeth that are causing discomfort or ulceration of the cheeks/tongue etc.
  • Any acute tooth pain in children

The above are some of the reasons that require immediate dental appointment bookings generally and more so, during covid19 restrictions. Log on to https://curie.health/ or call +91-87788 26667 to find a dentist near you!

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Around the world, many of us are staying indoors and maintaining social distancing to fight against the COVID19 outbreak. This also means that we will not be able to venture outside the house unnecessarily. Also, most dental clinics are closed for most treatments apart from emergencies. Therefore, many of us might be wondering what to do when you face a dental problem.

Common issues that you might face include:


Tooth pain:

If you experience mild to moderate tooth pain, it would be best to take an over the counter pain killer such as Paracetamol. If the pain does not subside, you might need anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen. However, it would be best to contact your dentist or doctor over phone to get a prescription especially if you have any underlying illness.

dental care clinic

Gum infection/ pain: 

sometimes, your gums might get inflamed in a particular area due to a local infection. The source of this infection could commonly be a tooth with a cavity or a foreign object impacted in that area. You can usually make out if a foreign object such as a food particle or fish bone is stuck in between the tooth as it will cause a pressure like ache in the area, especially on biting. In such cases, use your tooth brush or floss to clean thoroughly in between the teeth and use a mouthwash (or salt+ warm water) to rinse your mouth well.

This can be followed by or following the intake of a pain killer such as paracetamol, depending on the amount of pain and inflammation in that area. If the cause was an impacted foreign body, the pain will settle on it’s own in a few hours. For all other causes of pain, take a paracetamol and check if symptoms are improving. If the symptoms worsen or pain is severe despite the painkiller, contact your dentist for further advice.

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Loose teeth:

If a tooth is mobile or on the verge of falling off, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE TOOTH AT HOME. The bleeding might never stop and it might cause other serious issues. Therefore, call your dentist immediately or visit a nearby hospital that can remove it immediately with all the necessary safety equipment in place.

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Teething pain:

If your child is experiencing teething issues, best home remedy would be to apply gentle pressure over the baby’s gum pads using a clean, cold finger or chilled spoon. Teething toys might also bring some relief. Over the counter local anesthetic gels can be used if the above do not work. Call your dentist or doctor who will prescribe you a painkiller if the pain is severe and none of the home remedies are giving any relief.

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Trauma to a tooth:

Accidental trauma to a tooth is very common in children and especially at this time when everyone is at home, the chances of a child obtaining an injury to the tooth might not be unexpected. For minor trauma leading to chipping of the tooth, one can just wash the mouth with water and leave the tooth as it is for the time being. Pain killers can be taken if necessary and the tooth can be treated at a later stage if the child is comfortable.

However, if a tooth has completely come off from it’s socket (avulsed), try to wash the tooth and replace the tooth in the socket while applying a constant pressure to hold it in place for a few mins. If not, place the tooth in saliva, or milk or saline and contact your doctor immediately as it can be treated as a ‘Dental Emergency’.

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The above is just a guide to help you to have an idea on the possible home remedies in the event of a dental issue. Remember, if a tooth needs to be removed as an emergency, it will be done in a hospital set up with complete safety precautions and personal protective equipment (PPE).

However, it is best that you contact a dentist through https://curie.health/  to get a personalised consultation and treatment advice!

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